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Feminismo, Marxismo, Mulheres-Maravilha

04.10.18 | Álvaro Aragão Athayde

Não temam Camaradas!
As Mulheres Maravilha libertá-las-ão dos Homens e do seus Pénis Detestáveis e serão então livres e felizes para sempre.

O Feminismo é uma ideologia avançada por um movimento político e é totalitário nos seus propósitos e métodos.
É um Marxismo de roca de fiar que usa a antiga retórica Marxista colocando “mulheres” onde antes estava “proletariado” e “patriarcado” onde antes estava “capitalismo”.
O objetivo do feminismo não é a igualdade, mas a supremacia feminina: a Ginocracia.

Feminism as Gynocracy,
and Why Andrew J. Patrick Is in Trouble

Feminism is an ideology advanced by a political movement and is totalitarian in both its purposes and methods. It is distaff Marxism, substituting “women” for the “proletariat” — and the “patriarchy” for “capitalism” — in the ancient Marxian rhetoric. The goal of feminism is not equality, but female supremacy: Gynocracy.

Posted on September 11, 2013 at The Other McCain

Andrew J. Patrick is blaming me for his being harassed by a notorious left-wing troll blogger, after Andrew quoted me:
What people used to mean by the word “rape” has been revised in recent decades because of college women complaining about date rape …
Date rape is an apparently common campus crime that usually involves two drunk young people, one of whom has an erect penis, and the other of whom is unable to avert what the erect penis typically does.
That quote from my Aug. 12 American Spectator column “SlutWalk Insanity,” expresses facts and common sense, not ideology.

Feminism is an ideology advanced by a political movement and is totalitarian in both its purposes and methods. It is distaff Marxism, substituting “women” for the “proletariat” — and the “patriarchy” for “capitalism” — in the ancient Marxian rhetoric. The goal of feminism is not equality, but female supremacy: Gynocracy.

Advancing this totalitarian cause requires feminists to exacerbate hostility between men and women, by accusing men (collectively) of wrongfully oppressing women (collectively), so that all women are inspired to a sense of shared grievance against men.

Once you understand feminism as an ideology, you are no longer an intellectual hostage to the categorical syntax of their progaganda, in which skepticism toward their rhetoric is automatically denounced as thoughtcrime, where dissent is “hate” and we can only talk about women in ways approved by feminists. After decades of militant activism, people now unconsciously monitor their words lest they give offense to the feminist sensibility, so that arguments which directly contradict feminist ideology have the power of shocking outrage:
We had turned the corner at U Street and were marching up 14th Street when the woman with the megaphone leading SlutWalk DC started a new chant: “We love consensual sex! We love consensual sex!” Well, OK, but who doesn’t? Is there any actual opposition to this agenda? Is there an Anti-Consensual Sex Movement that someone forgot to tell us about? Oblivious to the absurdity, about 400 women joined in shouting this slogan, which was at least better than their previous chants: “Blame the system, not the victim!” and “One! Two! Three! Four! We won’t take it anymore! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Stop the violence! Stop the hate!” The “violence” to which that chant referred is rape, and “hate” is any discussion of rape (or any other subject) that doesn’t conform to feminist ideology. To distill their rhetoric to its totalitarian essence: “Shut up, because rape.”The SlutWalk movement is about rape in pretty much the same sense Nazism was about the Versailles Treaty — it’s the legitimate grievance that empowers a movement of irrational hatred. We may laugh at the carnival sideshow aspect of women stripping down to their underwear to march down the street in broad daylight, carrying deliberately provocative posters and shouting nonsensical slogans. But the leaders of the movement have a radical ideology they take very seriously, and that ideology is sufficiently influential that anyone who criticizes it risks condemnation as being anti-woman, or even pro-rape …
That was the lead of my SlutWalk column and the reader perceives that, if feminists were offended, it was because they hate the truth.

Read everything and the comments here.

Tema principal: Ideologia.