Do DVD Homenagem à Ásia Menor - Afieroma sti Mikra Asia - Αφιέρωμα στη Μικρά Ασία
I love you
Amo-te porque és simpática
I love you because you are nice
s'agapo giati eisai oraia
σ'αγαπώ γιατί είσαι ωραία
Amo-te porque és simpática
I love you because you are nice
s'agapo giati eisai oraia
σ'αγαπώ γιατί είσαι ωραία
Amo-te porque tu és tu
I love you because you are you
s'agapo giati eisai esi
σ'αγαπώ γιατί είσαι εσύ
Amo o mundo inteiro
I love the whole world
agapo ki olo ton kosmo
αγαπώ κι όλο τον κόσμο
Amo o mundo inteiro
I love the whole world
agapo ki olo ton kosmo
αγαπώ κι όλο τον κόσμο
porque também viveis juntos
because you live together too
giati zeis ki esi mazi
γιατί ζεις κι εσύ μαζί
A jané
The win
To para
To para
a janela fechou
the window closed
to parathiro kleismeno
το παράθυρο κλεισμένο
a janela fechou
the window closed
to parathiro kleismeno
το παράθυρο κλεισμένο
a janela cerrada
the shut window
to parathiro kleisto
το παράθυρο κλειστό
abriu uma folha
opened one sheet
anoikse to ena fillo
άνοιξε το ένα φύλλο
abriu uma folha
opened one sheet
anoikse to ena fillo
άνοιξε το ένα φύλλο
Deixas-te-o ver-te
You let him see you
tin eikona sou na do
την εικόνα σου να το
Stevan Nikolic's comment
The west will never be able to understand us. In the Balkans, money is not so important than love for each other, nature and culture. The precursor is longer than many Westerners and that is the point in the eyes of rich countries. They do not understand us and with these Song is that proof
Klodi Melka's reply to Stevan Nikolic's comment
From one Albanian to one ex- yougosllav. We have fought many times but always been able to love and understand each other. Without politics we are brothers.
"Giorgos Dalaras - S'Agapo". MuddyBoy61's YouTube Channel. Published on May 14, 2008. Retrieved on June 02, 2020.