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The Deeper Meaning of Kavanaughkampf

30.09.18 | Álvaro Aragão Athayde

The Deeper Meaning of Kavanaughkampf

By Smitty at The Other McCain on September 28, 2018

We are only as strong as our weakest link…

Should we be just a bit creeped out by the Left fetishing these SCOTUS seats?

Patriots respect all three branches set forth in the Constitution. It’s a public thing. A practical matter. It’s needful.

Keep in mind that, for the Left, which rejects God, government itself becomes a quasi-theological object. Lefties ignore the law (e.g. BHO’s administration) all the time, but note the visceral pleasure they seem to feel when saying “Trump broke THE LAW.”

Couple this government-is-‘god’ view with the Postmodern concept of Truth as a social construct. We’ve just seen a feminist shrink from California (three strikes, and that lady’s waaaaay out) decide that, nearly two score years ago, a SCOTUS nominee got all PG-13 on her.

Read more here.
